Monday, March 23, 2009

Xbox360 ushare

Here's how to get ushare to work with your xbox360:

This will allow you to stream video (movies) form your ubuntu box to your xbox360.

sudo apt-get ushare

sudo gedit /etc/ushare.conf

Verify (or change 3 things):

(your interface)

(the directory with your media)

(enable xbox support)

Save the file...

We need to add -x to the ushare daemon when it is launched...
so edit:

sudo gedit /etc/rc3.d/s20ushare

Near the top, add the following line:


save the file...

then bounce the service.

sudo invoke-rc.d ushare stop
sudo invoke-rc.d ushare start

(in my experience, if your use sudo invoke-rc.d ushare restart, it will respawn too quickly... you can add a sleep statement in the restart script... or just to what I did above)

Restart your xbox360... enjoy.